
Every journey and every adventure begins with a single step along some kind of path. We may not know where they will take us or what trials and rewards they will present us with, but we can be certain that starting out along one of them will open up a myriad of possibilities.

Some of them are solitary and straight, heading off into the distance on their determined lonely course. Some are winding and carry the traveller around corners to hidden things, while others lead to unexpected destinations via serendipitous intersections. There are pathways that take us back in time through ancient ruins or forests, and ones that transport us into the future towards unknown horizons. All of them are different and offer unique experiences and stimuli.

In life, we occasionally find ourselves traversing one without knowing how we got there, but at other times, we need to actively seek them out to grow. They are the arteries of existence that allow us to transform inertia into activity—if we are willing to take that first step forward.

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A Note on the Images:

The photographs featured in this piece were all taken by Philip S. Kay.